Once It’s Gone, It’s Gone Forever!

Fall 2023

Dear Neighbor,

Magic happens when it rains in Poway. A pond appears at the foot of Van Dam Peak, coming alive with tree frogs, threatened Western Spadefoot toads and fairy shrimp.

Spadefoot toads have shovel-like wedges on their hind legs to help them burrow underground. They wait for rain to fill the pond—sometimes for years—so that they can lay their eggs in the water. These toads are threatened by development and invasive species.

Do you believe in fairies? What about fairy shrimp? Fairy shrimp are small crustaceans that live in vernal pools and water basins. The shrimp swim upside down kicking their legs. The female lays her eggs on the bottom of the pool. The eggs hatch in 7-14 days in January through March. Some eggs stay dormant for years. There are different types of Fairy Shrimp in the United States. In Southern California and Northwestern Baja California, Mexico, fairy shrimp are rare. These freshwater shrimp are threatened by impacts from developments, off-road vehicles, and non-native species. The San Diego Fairy Shrimp are endangered and federally protected.

Imagine “Meadowbrook Pond” a Nature Park!

A housing project is now being planned on Meadowbrook Lane. Please support Preserve Wild Poway’s efforts to save the pond and surrounding habitat.

There are government funds available to purchase the Meadowbrook Lane property. But, we need your help. Please email Poway City Council members and request their help to save the Meadowbrook Pond and property. You can visit our website at preservewildpoway.org for City Council members’ email addresses and a sample letter.

Property details- Meadowbrook Lane- “The Toad Pond!” surrounded on three sides by Meadowbrook Ecological Preserve, 26 acres, seasonal wetlands, Spadefoot Toads, Fairy shrimp, bobcats, coyotes, CA gnatcatchers, and more!

Together, let’s Preserve Wild Poway!

Preserve Wild Poway (PWP) has formed in response to the continued disappearance of our natural open spaces. We are a dedicated, volunteer group whose goal is to actively protect our local habitat and wildlife. If you are worried about the loss of our open spaces, we welcome you to join us in the effort to Preserve Wild Poway. Please sign up to volunteer or donate today. PWP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.