Concerned about Meadowbrook Lane Development - what you can do

April 27, 2023

Are you concerned about the 16 homes being planned at the end of the Meadowbrook Lane which will destroy the toad pond and 17 acres of natural area?

This project will not only impact you but will destroy the seasonal pond critical to the spadefoot toad. As many as 32 vehicles could be added to the already busy school, field, church and residential traffic.

Below are ways to get your voice heard:

1. Donate to PWP and join us to add your voice against this project. PWP is combining our voices with expert advice from conservation professionals.

2. Contact the city:

  • Email city council

  • Speak during public comment at the City Council meetings.

3. Write California Department of Fish and Wildlife to encourage them under section 6 grant to purchase the land if landowner would sell. Send these comments to PWP (via this website) and we will forward all the comments to CDFW.