Habitat News-Mountain Lion Sighting

July 2024

You might think San Diego County mountain lions only live in Laguna and Palomar Mountains. This is not true – there have been several recent mountain lion sightings in Poway and the surrounding areas. The latest was this week on Poway’s Van Dam Peak.  Homeowners, who live next to the wildlife preserve, were lucky to catch a mountain lion on their ring camera. Watch Video (Make sure you watch to the end!) 

We are writing to let you know that the sighting is significant news for nature enthusiasts and us. In fact, the sighting is so rare that the California Department of Fish and Wildlife was notified.  

Once prevalent in Southern California, the majestic mountain lion is now endangered. The primary reasons for its decline are loss and fragmentation of open space and wildlife corridors (animal routes) due to urban sprawl. Their decline has caused an imbalance to Southern California’s ecosystem. 

Safety Tips

Hikers and bikers need to be proactive about their safety, the safety of children, pets – and mountain lions.

  1. If you come upon a mountain lion, appear large by putting your hands in the air, make eye contact, and be loud.

  2. Back away slowly, never run.

  3. Keep children and pets close and leashed (dogs, not your kids!) and in view at all times.

  4. Hike or mountain bike ride with a buddy.

Housing Developments  

There are currently three housing developments in the planning stages on Van Dam Peak, just a stone’s throw from the mountain lion’s sighting and adjacent to the preserve. If the homes are permitted, they will destroy tens of acres of endangered plants and wildlife and further shrink this wildlife habitat area. We are working to preserve these areas.   

Potential Housing Sites in Yellow

What We Do

Investigate and monitor new planned developments in open space to ensure Poway's Habitat Conservation Plan is followed.

Report to California Department Fish and Wildlife, United States Department of Fish and Wildlife, the city and residents of noncompliance for planned developments.   

Communicate to the city about Proposed Resource Protection Areas for sale and reasons why they should be purchased with in-lieu fees. 

Educate residents on the importance of our natural open spaces, raising awareness and support toward preservation. We do this by organizing Community Events, manning a booth at Poway's Farmers’ Market, and emailing “Habitat News” updates to our subscribers. 

Conduct hiking tours of our natural areas for a first-hand look at what we have to lose.    

Mission Statement

Our mission is to preserve endangered habitat by increasing Poway's open space preserves, thereby protecting endangered and threatened plants and animals for future generations. Help us preserve Poway’s wildlife habitat. Sign-up to volunteer or donate today on our website at: preservewildpoway.org/ how-you-can-help

We are a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization.

Together, Let’s Safeguard Our Wildlife!

The Preserve Wild Poway Team