Help Save the Pond!

January 31, 2023

This toad pond could be destroyed soon without your help!

Dear Neighbors,

Preserve Wild Poway is extremely concerned about two parcels coming up to our city council for approval soon. Both parcels are next to the Meadowbrook Ecological Reserve on the lower slopes of Van Dam Peak. They contain rare habitat, wildlife and wetlands. The Meadowbrook Lane proposed subdivision landowner turned in their biologist's report. Unfortunately, this proposed development is getting very close for the city council's approval. The Department of California Fish and Wildlife Services and the Department of United States Fish and Wildlife Services requested an updated biological report specifically for the Spadefoot Toad. With the recent rain, the seasonal pond is half full and the creek has been wet. 

The Rimbach development proposed housing development is still on hold for the biologist's report. 

These two housing developments would greatly impact the reserve and are both in High Fire Hazard Severity Zones. 

How can you help? 

1.  Donate to Preserve Wild Poway . Your donation will go directly to experts in the field of preservation.

2. Send a letter of persuasion to our city council members, the mayor and the city manager. 

3. Tell neighbors and friends about these housing proposals.

4. Volunteer to help! PWP needs volunteers to help in several ways. If you love nature and want to help us, inquire at

Together, let's preserve wild Poway!