“Save Meadowbrook Pond” Hike

October 14

8:45 AM

Van Dam Peak

Hiking Route

Parking Location (at the end of Essence Road 13501-13555)

About this hike:

This is a 3.6 mile out and back hike on Van Dam Peak that will allow a good view of the private parcel slated for a 16-home development. The parcel at risk includes a seasonal toad pond (now dry) that supports the threatened spadefoot toads as well as others. The area in general has some very scenic natural areas and supports varied wildlife even though it has been damaged by illegal trail building for some time. Van Dam peak is a jewel of the area, allowing residents to get out and enjoy nature close to their homes. We must save and protect these wonderful areas for future generations.


Although this area is within the coastal fog belt, it gets plenty of sunshine in the mid-morning to late afternoon. Be prepared for hot sunny conditions. Wear sunscreen, bring water, hat, and sunglasses. Dogs are allowed but must be on a leash and owner in control at all times. 

Meeting Time:

Meet at 8:45 am, we plan to head out by 9:00


Location and Parking:

Parking Area

Approximate hiking route


There are no bathroom facilities at the hike.  The closest will be in the Target Plaza, (i.e. Target or Starbucks) on Pomerado and Twin Peaks Road