Van Dam Loop Trail with a view of Rimbach Road

January 14

8:45 AM

Sage View Road

Trailhead Location

About the Hike:

The hike is 4 miles long (2 miles in and 2 miles back the way we came).  Initially the trail runs north parallel to Pomerado road with development on the east side of the trail and open space on the west.  The initial 1 ½ mile of the trail is flat, so if you’d like a nice Sunday walk, this is the trail for it.  After that we head up a bit to get a view of the vernal pool (not filled with water yet) in the Meadowbrook area.  Then we go back the way we came. 

Directions and Parking:

The trailhead is located on Sage View Road.  If you set your map program to 12220 Sage View Road, Poway, CA it will get you very close to the trailhead, which is well marked. Take Oak Knoll Road North from Poway Road.  In about 300 feet, Oak Knoll Road ends and takes a short right.  In about 50 feet, the trailhead will be on the left.  Park anywhere along Sage View Road.  See map below.


Sunday should be mostly sunny.  When we start, it will be cool – in low 50’s so dress warm.  It should warm up to the low 60’s by the end of the hike. 



There are no facilities on this hike, but there are plenty of places to stop on Poway Road. 

  • There may be mountain bikes on the steeper portion of the hike.  Please watch for bikes.  Most are courteous and careful but stay vigilant.  

  • As always, you can choose to go as far as you feel comfortable or have time for.

  • No need to reply… just show up.

  • If you arrive late, you’ll possibly have no problem catching up.

  • Don’t forget water. And some of you might also want to bring sun screen, hat, snack, camera, binoculars, GPS or walking stick. 

  • Voluntary trash pickup: bring your own trash bag, gloves, mechanical pick-up stick, etc.