Save the Toad Pond!

It’s not over! The “Save the Toad Pond” campaign is only getting started!  Please speak up about saving this wonderful parcel for the benefit of our future generations.

The Meadowbrook Lane Parcel includes endangered Coastal Sage Scrub along with a seasonal toad pond and wetland. The 26-acre parcel falls in the heart of an ecological reserve and supports:

·         California Gnatcatcher

·         Western Spadefoot Toad

·         Fairy Shrimp

·         Hermes Copper Butterfly

·         And many more species of concern.

A property with this much ecological value is rare and priceless. Preserve Wild Poway (PWP) has a dream of saving this property as an outdoor living laboratory for the nearby schools and for our future generations.

The value of this property for the existing reserve and as an educational venue cannot be overstated. With 90 - 95% of these seasonal ponds already lost, each one is critical to the survival of the species that live there.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service want to buy this land at a fair price, but the owner wants more money, which means he might go for housing plans instead.

Coincidentally, San Diego Gas and Electric company (SDGE) has announced that they are looking for mitigation projects to support with recently available funds.  PWP has submitted this parcel as a potential project for SDGE support. 

The decisions made now will determine the fate of this special natural area. We're calling on all of you to rally behind our dream of "Saving the Toad Pond!" Let's make a positive change together!

Who to contact:

Mary Beth Woulfe, USFWS,

Melanie Burlaza, CDFW,

Chris Hazeltine, Poway City Manager,

Brian Pepin, Poway Dist. 1 Councilman,

Steve Vaus, Poway Mayor,

Thank you.

PWP Board of Directors


Volunteer to help with PWP events!