Meadowbrook Subdivision is a terrible idea.

October 7, 2022

Please talk to the City Planners and help put a stop to a development plan that will damage our Meadowbrook Ecological Reserve. The parcel to be developed supports a multitude of plant and animal species that depend on the Coastal Sage scrub and vernal wetland environment.  It lies on a lower and mostly level area unlike other areas in the reserve. Because of its topology this area becomes a wetland during the rainy season. It is a favorite breeding area for the California Gnatcatcher, and Quail. It supports reproduction of various toads and tree frogs, and provides a local watering hole and hunting area for raptors, snakes, and other predators. Because of this parcel location and shape it will lead to substantial degradation of the existing Meadowbrook Ecological Reserve (corner stone area).

Location of project in the coastal sage scrub (red)

Toads caught in sample well during biological review of housing sites.