Dorothea Terrace

Dorothea Terrace is a 10-acre parcel listed for sale on the southside of the Van Dam Cornerstone and borders the Meadowbrook Ecological Reserve and Poway’s Open Space on three sides. This reserve can be seen along the northwest side of Poway Road. The habitat is primarily endangered Coastal sage scrub, which supports threatened CA Gnatcatchers. The zoning allows two acres to be bulldozed.

Dorothea Terrace is in the Poway Habitat Plan’s Biological Core Linkage Area and Proposed Resource Protection Area. This means it is a high priority to purchase for preservation, if for sale. Poway’s Habitat Conservation Plan states that Proposed Resource Protection Area properties shall be purchased by the city. PWP has been working hard to preserve this property. Our fingers are crossed this property will be added to the preserve by the City of Poway and/or California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

There are three other parcels with endangered habitat and wildlife on the lower slope adjacent to the reserve that are also at risk of development. The cumulative loss of habitat hurts wildlife!

Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever!